Learn how to make music with our incredible courses, built in an outstanding learning environment packed with video, audio, written guides and images, and resources. Learn quick, learn well, make more music!
Essential Music Production
The authoritative guide to music production to take you from complete beginner to expert in the quickest time possible. No stone left unturned at a crazy price: Save uncountable amounts of time and money and get ultimate confidence!
Essential Music Theory
Skip the nursery rhymes and learn how to make music actually work for you, with all the key knowledge on rhythm, pitch, melody and more that will take your music making to the next level of emotional involvement!
Ableton Live 11 Turbo Start
Learn exactly how to make music in Ableton Live 11 in the quickest time possible as our completely practical, expertly structured eleven session course gives you confidence with audio, MIDI, instruments, effects, mixing, mastering and more!
What's it Like?
A clip from the ‘What is Sound?’ lesson in Essential Music Production. All important audio and video is below the main lesson video, along with all the key takeaway points in easy-to-reference bullet point form!
A clip from the ‘Track Routing’ lesson in Ableton Live 11 Turbo Start. Images, videos, and audio examples help you to strengthen your understanding and revisit with ease!
The course environment is laid out in sensible sections, lessons, and chunks to make every part of your learning easy to digest. Everything you need is right at your fingertips!

Every lesson has a Key Takeaways section below the main video, providing quick reference with audio, video, images and bullets so you never have to scroll through videos looking for that one thing you need!
A clip from the ‘Chords’ lesson in Essential Music Theory. Rest assured, every step of the way that gets us to the point we’re playing multiple notes is covered in the lessons leading here, and quick-reference videos, audio examples, and images of chords on the musical grid and keyboard along with the key takeaways are always below the lesson video!
A clip from the ‘Delay’ lesson in Essential Music Production. Fundamental concepts are discussed with creative examples, all laid out for easy later reference when you’re sinking into practical courses so you won’t need to watch the same basics any more than you need!
How it Works
How to Make Music’s course environment is intuitive, easy to use, and tracks your progress. Lessons are split into modular sections and expertly developed to build upon each other a step at a time, giving you the perfect amount of information to accelerate your learning journey.
There are hours of video in How to Make Music courses, but that’s not all. Using an innovative approach to online learning, you’ll sit back and watch a lesson, then unlike other learning providers get to reference bulleted key takeaways with images, listen to audio clips, and watch important video examples — no having to pause and rewind a video, no having to try to remember where the information you want to revisit is when you return!