It seems like there’s a never ending list of software you could use for music production, and picking one to learn is a daunting task — especially when music production software can be expensive! Don’t worry: this guide will show you the best music production software, how you can get music production software for free, and which music production software is best to avoid!

What is Music Production Software?

It’s a good idea to start with the basics. Music production seems like such a broad art form that it seems intuitive that you’d need lots of different pieces of software to get the job done, but this actually isn’t the case (What are the Stages of Music Production?).

Nowadays, most of the popular music production software is pretty much a one-stop-shop for all your music production needs. The term for these all-in-one pieces of music production software is a Digital Audio Workstation, commonly referred to as a DAW. A DAW has all the functions you’ll need to produce music, from recording and editing audio and note data to arranging into a song, mixing, mastering, and most even include instruments and effects.

Almost all DAWs act as host software for additional, optional software called plugins (10 Free VST Plugins Every Producer Will Find Useful). Music production plugins and DAWs work with standards, so they tend to be compatible with each other without any fuss. The biggest standard for music production plugins is VST, which stands for Virtual Studio Technology (but there are others!). VST plugins can be instruments, effects, and utilities that add functionality to a DAW, loading within the DAW itself so you only open one master piece of software and the plugins are accessed within it as if they were part of the DAW itself. Handy!

There are other types of music production software that can sometimes come in handy aside from a DAW, such as an audio editor. Most DAWs have enough functionality that you won’t need to use a separate standalone piece of software, though.

What is the Best Music Production Software?

There is a LOT of choice when it comes to music production software and DAWs. The truth is, all DAWs share the same core functionality and so at a fundamental level there’s very little difference between them. DAWs separate themselves in their specialisms and workflow, and many people choose their DAW based on the type of music they want to create and how intuitive they find the tools that help them get there. Let’s look at a few of the most popular DAWs:

Ableton Live

Ableton Live is a very popular DAW, especially for electronic music. We look at Ableton in depth here, and our Ableton Live 11 Turbo Start course will have you making music with confidence in no time!

Apple Logic Pro

Apple’s Logic Pro is a Mac and iPad only DAW, but it’s a fantastic choice if that’s what you use no matter what type of music you want to make. Perhaps in an effort to make switching to and sticking with Mac more enticing, Logic Pro is less expensive than most full DAWs yet has instruments, effects, and features that blow many out of the water — and it seems like the updates in capabilities, instruments, and effects are never ending with no update fees. It’s also extremely well optimised for Mac and iPad.

FL Studio

FL Studio is a very popular DAW for electronic music, and is very focused on getting music made. In a lot of ways it feels quite different to more ‘traditional’ DAWs, with lots of features that make it really inspiring for music creation.

Other DAWs

There are so many DAWs that going through them all will overload you with choices. Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and FL Studio are three excellent DAWs for music production, and because they’re so well used there’s a huge community that will be able to help you on your way with them.

Here’s a shortlist of some other excellent DAWs that are worthy of your consideration:

How to Get Music Production Software for Free

Even though music production software can be expensive, you probably don’t need to spend much to get started — you can even get music production software for free! Many of the most popular DAWs have a simplified version that is absolutely fine for making music at home, and there are so many free VST plugins (10 Free VST Plugins Every Producer Will Find Useful) that it’s entirely possible to replace the things that are removed from these simplified low price and free DAWs — often with something even better!

You can get Ableton Live free when you purchase certain software and hardware. It doesn’t have all the features of the full version of Ableton Live, but Ableton Live Lite, as it’s called, is still a very capable piece of software that lets you load plugins to replace just about everything that’s been removed and lets you still make amazing music! One of our favourite mobile apps for music production is Koala. It’s only $4.99, and the iOS version comes with a free licence for Ableton Live Lite.

Reaper is completely free to try, and will work without any restrictions whether you purchase it or not. It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean that Reaper is free software, but it has a very lenient and fair payment system — essentially an honour box that encourages you to pay the very low $60 asking price when you’re confident that you’ve moved past ‘evaluating’ and are using the software in earnest. Combine Reaper with free instrument and effects plugins and you have an uber powerful studio at your fingertips for nothing — or next to nothing!

How to Learn Music Production

For more depth on how to learn music production and how to make music, check out our Essential Music Production course. It’s packed full of video, audio, graphic, and bulleted information that will teach you exactly what music production software and hardware you need (and what you don’t), how sound works, and how to make music with confidence!

Find out more here!

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